County of Sullivan header
Meeting Name: Public Works Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/13/2025 9:30 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Government Center
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID-7247 11. ReportDivision of Public Works   Action details Video Video
ID-7242 11. ResolutionResolution to schedule a public hearing for the lease of Hangar 6 - Bay 8 to Michael Danecarried at CommitteePass Action details Video Video
ID-7243 12. ResolutionAuthorize the County Manager to execute an agreement for construction services with Sullivan County Paving & Construction, Inc. for pile driving installation for County Bridge No. 270carried at CommitteePass Action details Not available
ID-7245 13. ResolutionResolution to authorize the application for and acceptance of a FAA ACIP Grant if offered for the General Aviation Apron Rehabilitation Construction project at the Sullivan County International Airport (SCIA).carried at CommitteePass Action details Not available
ID-7256 14. ResolutionResolution to authorize the County Manager to execute a contract with Wind River Environmental LLC to complete cleaning and jetting of the leachate collection lines and sumps at the Sullivan County Sanitary Landfill property.carried at CommitteePass Action details Not available
ID-7274 15. ResolutionResolution to authorize the County Manager to execute a Modification Agreement with H2M Architects, Engineers, Land Surveying and Landscape Architecture, DPW for additional scope of work for Redundant Potable Water Storage Tank at Human Service Complex.carried at CommitteePass Action details Video Video
ID-7275 16. ResolutionTo increase the hourly rate of Seasonal Employees that work in Traffic Control and Solid Waste Department. carried at CommitteePass Action details Not available
ID-7276 17. ResolutionResolution to authorize the County Manager to execute an agreement for 2025 Pavement Marking Installation on Various County Roads bid with the lowest responsible bidder (Seneca Pavement Marking, Inc. dba SPM, Inc.) for the installation of pavement markings on approximately 94 miles of higher volume County Roads.carried at CommitteePass Action details Not available
ID-7277 18. ResolutionResolution to authorize the County Manager to execute an agreement for Resurfacing Portions of Various County Roads with the lowest responsible bidder (Sullivan County Paving & Construction, Inc.) for the paving of approximately 34 miles of County Road.carried at CommitteePass Action details Not available
ID-7278 19. ResolutionResolution to authorize the County Manager to execute a contract change order(s) with Holt Construction Corp for the SCIA Terminal Projectcarried at CommitteePass Action details Not available