County of Sullivan header
Meeting Name: County Legislature Agenda status: Final - Revised
Meeting date/time: 1/23/2025 10:30 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Government Center
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID-7142 1  ReportStar Hesse January 23rd Public Comment   Action details Not available
ID-7032 12. ResolutionTo authorize the County Manager to execute a retainer agreement with Roemer Wallens Gold & Mineaux LLPadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7028 13. ResolutionTo authorize application for funding from the United States Department of Transportation’s FY2025 Raise Grant Program to advance buildout of the Sullivan O&W Rail TrailadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7033 14. ResolutionDesignate two (2) of the nine (9) Student Intern positions under Human Resources to be “Law Student Intern” at $20.00 per hour, not to exceed $7,500 per position annuallyadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7035 15. ResolutionTo enter into a contract with Bold Gold Media Group for Community Services. adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7069 16. ResolutionTo authorize county manager to enter into agreements for funding and the provision of child care related servicesadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7070 17. ResolutionTo authorize county manager to enter into agreements for the provision of various medical assistance program related servicesadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7071 18. ResolutionTo authorize county manager to enter into agreement with SCCCC Inc. for the provision of informal child day care related servicesadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7072 19. ResolutionTo authorize county manager to enter into agreement with Greater Adult Neighbors DBA Arcadia ResidenceadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7074 110. ResolutionTo create (1) new Deputy Fire Coordinator position within the Division of Public Safety; a position assigned to support special operations, focused on complex rescues and emerging technologies in first response..endadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7076 111. ResolutionTo Authorize Approval for One-Time and Recurring Funding for UAS and Communications Technology for the Division of Public SafetyadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7078 112. ResolutionEnact Local Law 1 of 2025 regarding a Mortgage TaxadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7082 113. ResolutionApprove double time for Correction Officers working overtime at the Sullivan County Jail for the period between February 1, 2025 - July 31, 2025adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7083 114. ResolutionResolution to authorize the County Manager to execute an agreement with NYSDOT for providing 80% Federal and 15% State funding for the design of a Project to repair scour on two County Bridges.adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7084 115. ResolutionResolution to authorize the County Manager to execute an agreement for construction services with ING Civil Inc. for the Sullivan County Bridge 82 Replacement Project.adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7085 116. ResolutionResolution to authorize the County Manager to execute an agreement for construction support and inspection services with Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. for the replacement of County Bridge 82 (BRIDGE NY funded).adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7086 117. ResolutionResolution to authorize the County Manager to execute an agreement between the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and County of Sullivan (DPW) to establish responsibilities for taking, disseminating, and documenting aviation weather observations at Sullivan County International Airport (MSV).adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7087 118. ResolutionResolution to authorize the application for and acceptance of an FAA BIL AIG Grant for the construction design of a water tower for the Sullivan County International Airport (SCIA).adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7089 119. ResolutionReclassify four (4) part-time Nutrition Staff to regular part-time with benefitsadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7093 120. ResolutionTo authorize agreement between Sullivan County Department of Social Services and Preventive Service ProvidersadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7094 121. ResolutionTo authorize the County Manager to assign a temporary stipend(s) to a County employee(s) that either assumes duties of another employee or assumes the responsibilities of an entire position above and beyond their regular duties for an extended length of time due to a leave of absence or resignation.adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7096 122. ResolutionTo apply for and accept the NYS OMH Crisis Intervention Team Grant for technical assistance and training. adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7097 123. ResolutionTo continue with a more restrictive Bonus Payment for the Adult Care Center employees through December 31, 2025 who volunteer to pick up additional shifts during specific days/times. endadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7099 124. ResolutionTO AUTHORIZE A 5-YEAR SOFTWARE RENEWAL AGREEMENT WITH NTS DATA SERVICES, LLCadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7100 125. ResolutionTO AUTHORIZE A RENEWAL AGREEMENT WITH INFO QUICK SOLUTIONS, INCadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7102 126. ResolutionTo Modify the 2024 BudgetadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7104 128. ResolutionIn support of EverGreen Meadow Services’ application for a USDA Rural Loan to establish EverGreen Meadow Academy.adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7031 129. ResolutionTo Appoint/reappoint members to the Health Services Advisory Board for the Department of Public HealthadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7038 130. ResolutionAuthorize MOA between Sullivan County Office for the Aging and the Sullivan County JailadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7039 131. ResolutionAuthorize MOU with SC Transportation for Nutrition Program including Delivery of Homebound Meals adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7041 132. ResolutionAuthorize MOU with SC Transportation for Shopping Bus Transportation adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7042 133. ResolutionAuthorize MOU with SC Transportation for Senior Citizen Medical TransportationadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7073 134. ResolutionOpposing the Proposal put forth by the Ulster County resource Recovery AgencyadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7105 135. ResolutionAccept and authorize an agreement with the NYS Department of Labor for the New York State Systems ChangeadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7109 136. ResolutionResolution to authorize the submission and execution of a Federal Section 5311 Formula Grant for Rural Area Program application, to accept the funding, if secured, and enter into an award agreement with NYS Department of Transportation (NYSDOT).adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7110 137. ResolutionTo Authorize the County Manager to apply for and accept NY CARES UP Funding from NYS OMH SPCNY to support Mental Health Resiliency for Uniformed PersonneladoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7112 138. ResolutionTo amend Resolution No. 375-24 and Resolution No. 269-24 to extend the contracts with The Center for Discovery and the Neversink Fire Department for the contract period to end on July 31, 2025 to allow additional time to purchase the equipment that was awarded.adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7113 139. ResolutionTo Authorize the County Manager to Apply for and Accept the FY2024 Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant Program Award from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) / Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7114 140. ResolutionTo Amend Resolution 59-19 to Make Changes to the Soil and Water Stream Remediation Program Assigned Fund BalanceadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7115 141. ResolutionCreate a Temporary Food Service Helper in the Sullivan County JailadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7116 142. ResolutionCreate a Senior Veterans’ Service Officer position in the Sullivan County Veterans’ OfficeadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7118 143. ResolutionTO CORRECT THE 2025 TAX ROLL OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY FOR TAX MAP #121.-1-3adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7119 144. ResolutionTO CORRECT THE 2025 TAX ROLL OF THE TOWN OF CALLICOON FOR TAX MAP #103.-2-2adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7120 145. ResolutionTO CORRECT THE 2025 TAX ROLL OF THE TOWN OF FALLSBURG FOR TAX MAP #12.-1-50.2adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7121 146. ResolutionTO CORRECT THE 2025 TAX ROLL OF THE TOWN OF DELAWARE FOR TAX MAP #12.-1-40.2adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7123 147. ResolutionApportion the 2024 4th Quarter Mortgage TaxadoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7098 148. ResolutionTo authorize a transfer of money to Sunset Lake LDC to pay the 2025 pilot, annual lease, and 2025 tax bill for the Town of Liberty payment for the Care Center at Sunset Lake.adoptedPass Action details Not available
ID-7132 149. ResolutionAuthorize the County Manager to sign a Remote Net Metering ApplicationadoptedPass Action details Not available