County of Sullivan header
File #: ID-7021    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 12/16/2024 In control: County Legislature
On agenda: 12/19/2024 Final action: 12/19/2024
Enactment date: 12/19/2024 Enactment #: 621-24
Title: Enact a proposed Local Law regarding Mortgage Recording Tax
Attachments: 1. mortgage tax local law
Narrative of Resolution:
Enact a proposed Local Law regarding Mortgage Recording Tax

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RESOLUTION INTRODUCED BY CHAIR NADIA RAJSZ TO ENACT A LOCAL LAW ENTITLED "A Local Law to Amend Local Law No. 4-2007 (Part 9 of Chapter 182 of the Sullivan County Code) as amended by Local Law No. 1 of 2010, further amended by Local Law No. 2 of 2010, further amended by Local Law 1 of 2013, Further Amended by Local Law 5 of 2015, Further Amended by Local Law 4 of 2018 and Further Amended Local Law 1 of 2022 Imposing a Mortgage Recording Tax."

WHEREAS, a proposed Local Law entitled "A Local Law to Amend Local Law No. 4-2007 (Part 9 of Chapter 182 of the Sullivan County Code) as amended by Local Law No. 1 of 2010, further amended by Local Law No. 2 of 2010, further amended by Local Law 1 of 2013, Further Amended by Local Law 5 of 2015, Further Amended by Local Law 4 of 2018 and Further Amended Local Law 1 of 2022 Imposing a Mortgage Recording Tax." having been presented to the Sullivan County Legislature at a meeting and a public hearing held on December 19, 2024, at the County Government Center, Monticello, New York to consider said proposed local law, and notice of a public hearing having been duly published and posted as required by law, and said public hearing having been held and all persons appearing at said public hearing deeming to be heard.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Sullivan County Legislature does hereby enact and adopt this Local Law entitled "A Local Law to Amend Local Law No. 4-2007 (Part 9 of Chapter 182 of the Sullivan County Code) as amended by Local Law No. 1 of 2010, further amended by Local Law No. 2 of 2010, further amended by Local Law 1 of 2013, Further Amended by Local Law 5...

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