Narrative of Resolution:
Resolution to authorize the County Manager to execute an agreement for engineering design services with Fisher Associates for the County Bridge 5 Joint Replacement Project (FHWA/NYSDOT funded).
If Resolution requires expenditure of County Funds, provide the following information:
Amount to be authorized by Resolution: $45,000
Are funds already budgeted? No
Specify Compliance with Procurement Procedures: Resolution 50-22 authorizes Legislative Approval of a pre-approved list of consultants for providing engineering services for Locally Administered Federal Aid Projects (LAFAP) and other Bridge and Highway projects. Fischer Associates was chosen from the pre-approved list. .d RESOLUTION INTRODUCED BY PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH FISHER ASSOCIATES, P.E., L.S., L.A., D.P.C FOR THE SULLIVAN COUNTY BRIDGE MAINTENANCE FFY2024 - COUNTY BRIDGE 5 JOINT REPLACEMENT PROJECT, P.I.N. 9754.74, FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES. WHEREAS, the Sullivan County Bridge Maintenance FFY2024 - County Bridge 5 Joint Replacement, P.I.N. 9754.74 (the Project) located in the Town of Lumberland is to be implemented by contract and must meet the requirements of the NYSDOT Local Projects Manual; and WHEREAS, the project is eligible for 95% funding (80% Federal and 15% State) through the NYSDOT; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 50-22 pre-approved Fisher Associates, P.E., L.S., L.A., D.P.C to provide engineering services needed for locally administered Federal aid projects and other bridge and highway projects; and WHEREAS, the Division of Public Works recommends the award of an agreement for preliminary engineering/design services to the firm of Fisher Associates, P.E., L.S., L.A., D.P.C. at a cost not to exceed $45,000.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Manager is authorized to execute an Agreement for preliminary engineering/design services with Fisher Associates, P...
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