Government Services Committee
Good morning. There is still no report from the Corporate Compliance Committee on the agenda. This is a very important program for the timely detection of fraud and malfeasance, and it is currently located within the County Manager’s office. I hope that the legislature will consider moving it out of that office as it is currently unable to perform valid investigations due to conflicts of interest into issues of corporate fraud or noncompliance which the county manager’s office is supposedly overseeing and certifying. Even as it is, the Corporate Compliance Committee is out of compliance with its own bylaws which state that it is supposed to report to the legislature. I do not recall a single instance of that happening in the last four years that I’ve attended these meetings. There’s a lot that takes place behind the scenes that is hidden from the legislature and the public that you legislators represent. I would like to be assured by proper reporting that our county government is doing a good job in ensuring the workforce’s cooperation with corporate compliance and that their investigations are responsive to complaints according to the guidelines of that committee. Thank you.