Narrative of Resolution:
To Authorize A Contract with RUPCO Inc. to Administer Consulting Services for Housing Related Programs.
If Resolution requires expenditure of County Funds, provide the following information:
Amount to be authorized by Resolution: $40,000.00
Are funds already budgeted? Yes
Specify Compliance with Procurement Procedures: Planning Divisions unused FT2023 Personnel budget.
WHEREAS, the Division of Planning, Community Development and Environmental Management (“the Division”) is engaged in administering a number of grants and programmatic initiatives relating to addressing blight and expanding housing choice in Sullivan County, including the Sullivan County Land Bank; and
WHEREAS, the Division has three vacant positions that it is anticipating will take some months to fill; and
WHEREAS, there is an immediate need to maintain activity on open grants, as well as continue momentum on other housing initiatives; and
WHEREAS, the Division, working with the County’s Purchasing Department, issued an RFP (#R-23-02) soliciting consultant services to assist with administering its housing programs; and
WHEREAS, three responses were received and, after review and evaluation, RUPCO, Inc. has been determined to be the most qualified and cost effective proposer,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Sullivan County Legislature hereby authorizes the County Manager and / or Chairman of the County Legislature to enter into a contract with RUPCO, Inc. in the amount of $40,000 to provide professional services to the Division of Planning to assist in its execution of housing-related initiatives for FY2023; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that funding for the services to be provided by RUPCO will be taken from the Planning Division’s unused FY2023 personnel budget; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the form of said agreement be approved by the County Attorney.